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Wisconsin Celebrates America Recycles Day

America Recycles Day - November 15

Associated Recyclers of Wisconsin (AROW) is pleased to announce a unique America Recycles Day (ARD) event. ARD, a program of Keep America Beautiful, is a nationwide one-day event where municipalities, organizations and individuals offer local events and activities which celebrates recycling history and promotes its continued success.

However, because Wisconsinites always go the extra mile, AROW will host the “12 Days of America Recycles Day”. The celebration starts November 2nd and will run through the official ARD of November 15th. It will be hosted through AROW’s Recycle More Wisconsin (RMW) website, utilizing the social media tools of Facebook and Twitter to share resources on reducing waste, recycling more and pointing Wisconsin toward continual recycling success! Participating local communities will also be sharing posts and local ARD events.

“We appreciate the efforts residents take to recycle more and recycle right.” said AROW President Meleesa Johnson. “America Recycles Day provides the opportunity to remind residents about the economic and environmental benefits of recycling including conservation of natural resources, tax relief and job growth.”

AROW invites Wisconsinites to join in with the recycling and waste reduction fun for not only ARD, but also throughout the year at For those interested in supporting recycling and waste reduction efforts, consider joining AROW:


About the Associated Recyclers of Wisconsin (AROW)

Founded in 1990, AROW is a 501(c)(3) association representing Wisconsin’s recycling, waste reduction and sustainability professionals with members from local government, businesses and non-profit groups. The organization provides leadership through education, advocacy, and collaboration and promotes effective, efficient and sustainable material recovery initiatives. For details on AROW, its positions and programs visit

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