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Recycling Reboot - AROW Launches Recycle Right Wisconsin

Associated Recyclers of Wisconsin (AROW) is launching a new program designed to reboot recycling in Wisconsin. Wisconsin has one of the most comprehensive recycling programs in the country with 94% of Wisconsin households supporting recycling and recycle regularly. The Recycling Law has been in place for over two and half decades and is responsible for diverting tens of millions of tons of valuable recyclables out of landfills.

Despite its popularity, recycling is now facing challenges to its long-term sustainability. News reports from around the globe have told sensational stories about the “collapse” of recycling markets or the “death” of recycling as we know it. These stories are rooted in several market forces, modern collections methods and confusion about what to recycle. All of these factors have led to a recycling market that demands high-quality, clean recyclable materials leading to AROW’s effort to Recycle Right Wisconsin.

A recent AROW survey of the state’s recycling facilities shows that 90% of facilities have felt a significant impact due to global market challenges. And 100% of those facilities have realized losses of revenue of up to a 60%, requiring local recycling programs to be more stringent in keeping the recycling stream free of contaminants. Local, regional and global manufacturers need high-quality recyclable materials in order to produce new consumer goods.

“Recycling is critically important to the state’s economic development and jobs in almost every community,” says AROW President Meleesa Johnson. Johnson adds that AROW is perfectly suited, with its broad membership of recycling experts, to finding solutions and developing strategies to help us Recycle Right Wisconsin.

Recycle Right Wisconsin “reboots” recycling by empowering citizens to be the solution to recycling challenges. Recycle Right Wisconsin provides easy-to-use information on the basics of recycling, reminders of what materials are required to be recycled and reinforces the idea that quality control of recycling starts right at home.

AROW Executive Director, Karin Sieg, noted that, “Recycle Right Wisconsin is just another example of how Wisconsinites work together to solve big challenges one person, one neighborhood, one community at a time” She adds, “We are always better when we work together!”

To learn more about Recycle Right Wisconsin, visit:

About the Associated Recyclers of Wisconsin (AROW)

Founded in 1990, AROW is a 501(c)(3) association representing Wisconsin’s recycling, waste reduction and sustainability professionals with members from local government, businesses and non-profit groups. The organization provides leadership through education, advocacy, and collaboration and promotes effective, efficient and sustainable material recovery initiatives. For details on AROW, its positions and programs visit

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