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Jefferson County: No Latex Paint Recycling

As of December 11, 2017 there is no longer a site in Jefferson County for recycling latex paint.

The City of Watertown Street Department announced today that the company they were using has found a better source of obtaining recycled paint for their company’s manufacturing process. The company will only take paint for recycling if the City of Watertown pays them a recycling fee. The City does not want to pass another fee on to its residents or the residents of Jefferson County so they have stopped taking latex paint immediately. This would also add additional resources in labor, time and cost to the Street Department.

The Jefferson County Solid Waste Committee and the City of Watertown Street Department will continue to take oil based paints and stains at our Clean Sweep Events. See our website for dates and times.

Latex paint is not harmful to the environment so it can be dried out and tossed in your trash. The paint cans are very recyclable. To dispose of the paint line a pail/box or tub with trash bags and put 6-8 inches of oil dry or kitty-liter in the bottom. Pour the latex paint on top and mix it together. Wipe out the paint can with old rags or paper toweling and toss the rags/paper in with the paint. The empty paint cans can then be placed in your recycle bins. The paint can do not have to be spotless, but there cannot be paint hanging on the sides or on the bottom.

Even as this door closes the City of Watertown Street Department and Solid Waste/Air Quality Committee will continues to search for other cost effective recycling opportunities for our residents.

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